Kaspersky India is offering a free 6 months commercial key( It is NOT TRIAL). Since the 6 months Kaspersky Anti-Virus (KAV) 2009 license given by Kaspersky India is generated online, it should have a shelf life of 3 months. So In order to extend your KAV license up to 9 months, you’ll need to request 2 codes from Kaspersky India. Activate ONLY the first license key, then activate the second key after 3 months. This way you can use KAV 2009 for 9 months!

Follow the steps below to get your free KAV 2009 license valid for 6 months and expendable to 9 months.

  • Go to Kaspersky India Registration page, click here.
  • Enter your details with valid Email Address.
  • Wait for a few days for the KAV key to be sent to your email.

Why should wait for key?
Be patient and don’t resubmit your request as this will only add more requests to the long queue.

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